Eyebrow Lift

female Eyebrow Lift

Female Eyebrow Lift Surgery In Mumbai

Also known as brow lift, this aesthetic procedure is done to give sagging eyebrows a lifted, more younger and a more attractive appearance. The process also improves the look of the area around the eyes. Browlift can be done as a stand-alone procedure or can be combined with an eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) or a facelift. With age, the brows droop and the sagginess of the skin makes one look tired, sad, old, unattractive or angry. If you have sagging brows, they can contribute to making your eyes look tired too. These sagging brows may also cause your forehead muscles to work harder leading to forehead lines or wrinkles.

Many techniques are used by a plastic surgeon for lifting the brow. It may be done surgically or using non-surgical techniques such as a threadlift, Botox and Fillers. Surgically it maybe performed in a variety of ways which may be either endoscopic or open surgery.

If you're seeking Female Eyebrow Lift surgeon in Mumbai, you've found the right place, consult Dr. Saumil Shah, an experienced Mumbai-based plastic, aesthetic, and reconstructive surgeon specializing in Eyebrow Lift surgery. In these modern times, he stands as the perfect choice for all your cosmetic needs, bringing expertise and a touch of care to every procedure.

Frequently Questions Asked

How long does a surgery take?

Around one to one and half hours.

Will it leave any scars?

Depending on the type of procedure, you may or may not have a visible scar.

How long does a brow lift's results last?

With age, the brow will start drooping again. It may last for 10 months to a year using non-surgical methods. With surgical methods, the results will last longer.

What other procedures can be done with brow lift?

Periorbital rejuvenation (reversing signs of ageing around the eyes), blepharoplasty (aesthetic improvements of eyelids), facelift, fat grafting for the face, rhinoplasty, facial rejuvenation or any other facial surgery.

Contact Dr. Saumil Shah today for the best Female Eyebrow Lift surgery in Mumbai.

We Provide Very Transparent Pricing to Our Patients

Upper eyelid surgery (upper blepharoplasty) - 500 to 1800

Upper eyelid surgery (upper blepharoplasty) - 40000 to 150000

Lower eyelid surgery (lower blepharoplasty) - 750 to 2000

Lower eyelid surgery (lower blepharoplasty) - 62000 to 170000

Female Eyebrow Lift Before and After Photo Gallery